How shall a man know good, will good, and do good, “even though no one sees”?
J.A. Comenius
Helping to write the stories of humanity
Our school stories
Helping to write the stories of humanity
Our school stories
A Precious Gift
I came to a small school near Pilsen with the program “My Way to the World” for third graders. I prayed for a smooth course, but what happened was what every teacher fears – nothing worked. An old computer. Slow. It took forever to boot up, then update, wouldn’t load my flash drive, and when it finally did, it turned out the sound wasn’t working. They didn’t have a dongle… I was furious inside, preparing a speech about, ” Teacher, the contract your management signed stated that everything necessary would be ready for the program and that if it is not we have the right to withdraw from the contract and the program will not be held.”
teacher was retired. She was an old lady who was called in because the regular teacher was suffering from a long illness. She was grey-haired, short and terribly unhappy, always apologizing. It broke me. I told her it was okay, that we could manage without the computer, and determinedly called the kids together on the carpet for circle time. I asked the teacher for a large quarter[1] , which we put in the middle and started. And it was AMAZING! We drew a human egg, racing seeds, an umbilical cord, a mommy growing a belly, and when I pulled the models of babies in the womb out of my bag, the kids were completely amazed, focused, had lots of questions, and the two hours flew by.
egg, racing seeds, an umbilical cord, a mommy growing a belly, and when I pulled the models of babies in the womb out of my bag, the kids were completely amazed, focused, had lots of questions, and the two hours flew by. teacher had tears in her eyes as she said goodbye. She said, “You reminded me of my mother. She always used to talk to us children by the stove. We were many children, we were poor, but we were together a lot and we talked all the time. It was a beautiful, real life. And you, when you told the children today, you brought that real LIFE here. Thank you for that.” And she hugged me goodbye.

Dear sir, I have seen the video of your lectures for young people regarding SEX, AIDS,etc… and I like it very much. Finally someone is imparting real values, beauty, love, goodness and truth to children.
There is nothing you can’t buy these days. Millions are made by lies, ugliness, nudity and evil. You are telling young people the truth, and that is priceless. That is why I would like to support you financially in your work. I desire for you and our society to reap the good fruits of your work. As one philosopher said: “As life is lived in schools and universities today, so will it be lived in the streets in the future.”

“I’ve watched your video “What to do if I’m bullied” several times and so far I’ve never wondered about anything, about any of the scenes. When all of a sudden, out of the blue, there was one part that struck me. “I mean, sometimes – not always – the victim is the victim because they’re driving their surroundings crazy.” And that’s when I ask myself the question: “What if it’s been this way for me all along?” And that’s when it dawned on me. It dawned on me that they’re not the “bad guys” in this scenario… Because if it weren’t for your video, I’d still be living under the illusion that others are mean to me, and I’d blame their behavior on them. Plus, as I wrote in the stream, I changed because of it, and that was a big milestone. This, along with everything you do for other people, has made you one of my role models as well. So I owe you my gratitude.”

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